List of publications
- Comparison Finsler Geometry, Springer Monographs in Mathematics,
Springer, Cham, 2021.
Journal papers
(PDF files are of preprint versions,
they may be different from published ones.)
- Barycenters and a law of large numbers in Gromov hyperbolic spaces,
Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 40 (2024), 1185-1206
- (with Mathias BRAUN)
Optimal transport and timelike lower Ricci curvature bounds on Finsler spacetimes,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 377 (2024), 3529-3576
- (with Yufeng LU & Ettore MINGUZZI)
Geometry of weighted Lorentz-Finsler manifolds II: A splitting theorem,
Internat. J. Math. 34 (2023), no. 1, 2350002
- (with Cong Hung MAI)
Quantitative estimates for the Bakry-Ledoux isoperimetric inequality. II,
Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 55 (2023), 224-233
- A semigroup approach to Finsler geometry:
Bakry-Ledoux's isoperimetric inequality,
Comm. Anal. Geom. 30 (2022), 2347-2387
- (with Yufeng LU & Ettore MINGUZZI)
Comparison theorems on weighted Finsler manifolds and spacetimes with ε-range,
Anal. Geom. Metr. Spaces 10 (2022), 1-30
- (with Cong Hung MAI)
Quantitative estimates for the Bakry-Ledoux isoperimetric inequality,
Comment. Math. Helv. 96 (2021), 693-739
- (with Yufeng LU & Ettore MINGUZZI)
Geometry of weighted Lorentz-Finsler manifolds I: Singularity theorems,
J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 104 (2021), 362-393
- (with Nina LEBEDEVA & Vladimir ZOLOTOV)
Self-contracted curves in spaces with weak lower curvature bound,
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN. 2021 (2021), 8623-8656
- (with Nicola GIGLI, Christian KETTERER & Kazumasa KUWADA)
Rigidity for the spectral gap on RCD(K,∞)-spaces,
Amer. J. Math. 142 (2020), 1559-1594
- (with Asuka TAKATSU)
Equality in the logarithmic Sobolev inequality,
Manuscripta Math. 162 (2020), 271-282
- Self-contracted curves in CAT(0)-spaces and their rectifiability,
J. Geom. Anal. 30 (2020), 936-967
- Needle decompositions and
isoperimetric inequalities in Finsler geometry,
J. Math. Soc. Japan 70 (2018), 651-693
- Some functional inequalities
on non-reversible Finsler manifolds,
Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci. 127 (2017), 833-855
*Corrigendum: 131 (2021), Paper No. 23, 2pp.
- (with Miklós PÁLFIA)
Gradient flows and a Trotter-Kato formula
of semi-convex functions on CAT(1)-spaces,
Amer. J. Math. 139 (2017), 937-965
- (K,N)-convexity and the curvature-dimension condition
for negative N,
J. Geom. Anal. 26 (2016), 2067-2096
- (with Miklós PÁLFIA)
Discrete-time gradient flows and law of large numbers in Alexandrov spaces,
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
54 (2015), 1591-1610
- Splitting theorems for Finsler manifolds of nonnegative Ricci curvature,
J. Reine Angew. Math. 700 (2015), 155-174
- (with Kei KONDO & Minoru TANAKA)
Topology of complete Finsler manifolds
with radial flag curvature bounded below,
Kyushu J. Math. 68 (2014), 347-357
- On the curvature and heat flow on Hamiltonian systems,
Anal. Geom. Metr. Spaces 2 (2014), 81-114
- Examples of spaces with branching geodesics
satisfying the curvature-dimension condition,
Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 46 (2014), 19-25
- (with Karl-Theodor STURM)
Bochner-Weitzenböck formula and Li-Yau estimates
on Finsler manifolds,
Adv. Math. 252 (2014), 429-448
- (with Alexandru KRISTÁLY)
Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality
on metric measure spaces with applications,
Math. Ann. 357 (2013), 711-726
- Weighted Ricci curvature estimates for Hilbert and Funk geometries,
Pacific J. Math. 265 (2013), 185-197
- (with Asuka TAKATSU)
Displacement convexity of generalized relative entropies. II,
Comm. Anal. Geom. 21 (2013), 687-785
- (with Nicola GIGLI & Kazumasa KUWADA)
Heat flow on Alexandrov spaces,
Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 66 (2013), 307-331
- (with Karl-Theodor STURM)
Non-contraction of heat flow on Minkowski spaces,
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 204 (2012), 917-944
- (with Nicola GIGLI)
First variation formula in Wasserstein spaces over compact
Alexandrov spaces,
Canad. Math. Bull. 55 (2012), 723-735
- Barycenters in Alexandrov spaces of curvature bounded below,
Adv. Geom. 12 (2012), 571-587
- (with Asuka TAKATSU)
Displacement convexity of generalized relative entropies,
Adv. Math. 228 (2011), 1742-1787
- Vanishing S-curvature of Randers spaces,
Differential Geom. Appl. 29 (2011),
174-178 (PDF).
*Corrigendum (PDF).
- (with Karl-Theodor STURM)
Heat flow on Finsler manifolds,
Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 62 (2009),
minor revisions in Lemma 3.8 & Theorem 3.9).
- Finsler interpolation inequalities,
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 36
(2009), 211-249 (PDF).
- (with Mikaël PICHOT)
A note on Markov type constants,
Arch. Math. (Basel) 92 (2009), 80-88
- Uniform convexity and smoothness, and their applications
in Finsler geometry,
Math. Ann. 343 (2009), 669-699
- Extending Lipschitz and Hölder maps between metric spaces,
Positivity 13 (2009), 407-425
- Gradient flows on Wasserstein spaces over compact Alexandrov
spaces, Amer. J. Math. 131 (2009), 475-516
- Markov type of Alexandrov spaces of nonnegative curvature,
Mathematika 55 (2009), 177-189
- (with Kei KONDO)
Topology of complete manifolds with radial
curvature bounded from below,
Geom. Funct. Anal. 17 (2007), 1237-1247.
- Products, cones, and suspensions of spaces
with the measure contraction property,
J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 76 (2007), 225-236
- On the measure contraction property of metric measure spaces,
Comment. Math. Helv. 82 (2007), 805-828
- Convexities of metric spaces,
Geom. Dedicata 125 (2007), 225-250
- Reconstructions of distances by energy forms,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 134 (2006), 3405-3415.
- Regularity of harmonic functions in Cheeger-type Sobolev spaces,
Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 26 (2004), 397-410.
- Harmonicity of totally geodesic maps into nonpositively curved
metric spaces, Manuscripta Math.
114 (2004), 127-138.
- Cheeger type Sobolev spaces for metric space targets,
Potential Anal. 20 (2004), 149-175.
- Totally geodesic maps into metric spaces,
Math. Z. 244 (2003), 47-65.
Surveys etc.
- Nonlinear geometric analysis on Finsler manifolds,
Eur. J. Math. 3 (2017), 916-952
--A survey on Γ-calculus on Finsler manifolds.
*Corrigendum (PDF).
- Ricci curvature, entropy and optimal transport,
London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series
413 (2014), 145-199
--Extended lecture notes for Summer School in Grenoble 2009.
- Optimal transport and Ricci curvature in Finsler geometry,
Adv. Stud. Pure Math. 57 (2010), 323-342
--A survey article on "Finsler interpolation inequalities"
and "Heat flow on Finsler manifolds".
- Harmonic maps and totally geodesic maps between metric spaces,
Dissertation, Tohoku University, 2003.
Published in Tohoku Mathematical Publications
28, Tohoku University, 2004.