将来は論文へのリンクを充実させたいと思っていますが、今はまだリンクは準備途中です。Last modified: December 25, 2023.
主要学術論文 | その他の学術論文 | 学術的編集書 | 数学書等の著作
- Ibukiyama, Tomoyoshi; Karemaker, Valentijn; Yu, Chia-Fu, When is a polarised abelian variety determined by its p-divisible group? Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B 12 (2025) https://doi.org/10.1090/btran/222 pdf
- Ibukiyama, Tomoyoshi; Katsurada, Hidenori; Kojima, Hisashi; Period of the Ikeda-Miyawaki lift. J. Number Theory 269 (2025), 341-369. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnt.2024.09.014 pdf
- S. Grushevsky, T. Ibukiyama, G. Mondello, R. Salvati Manni, Differentiating Siegel modular forms and the Moving slope of A_g, International Math. Research Notices, rnad203 (2023) 45 pp. https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnad203 pdf
- H. Atobe, M. Chida, T. Ibukiyama, H. Katsurada and T. Yamauchi, Harder's Conjecture I, J. Math. Soc. Japan 75, (2023), 1339--1408. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Supersingular abelian varieties and quaternion hermitian lattices, RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu B90 (2022), 17--37. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Supersingular loci of low dimensions and parahoric subgroups, Osaka J. Math. Vol. 59, No.3 (2022), 703--726. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Differential operators, exact pullback formulas of Eisenstein series, and Laplace transforms, Forum Mathematicum 34 (2022). no.3. 685--710. https://doi.org/10.1515/forum-2021-0162 pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Some Poisson formula on tube domains, Comment, Math. Univ. St. Pauli Vol. 69 (2021), 43-50. http://id.nii.ac.jp/1062/00021298 pdf http://doi.org/10.14992/00021298.
- T. Ibukiyama, Principal polarizations of supersingular abelian surfaces, J. Math. Soc. Japan 72 no.4,(2020),1161-1180. //doi.org/10.2969/jmsj/82528252. pdf.
- T. Ibukiyama, Generic differential operators on Siegel modular forms and special polynomials, Selecta Mathematica (N.S.) 26(2020) no.5, No.66, 50 pp. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00029-020-00593-3. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Graded rings of modular forms of rational weights, Research in Number Theory, (2020) 6: 8. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40993-019-0183-9 pdf (Mathematica program to check all relations for N=11 and 13 in the paper) N11allrel.nb, N13allrel.nb
- T. Ibukiyama, One-line formula for automorphic differential operators on Siegel modular forms, Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hambg. 89 (2019), no. 1, 17--43. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s12188-019-00202-x pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Quinary lattices and binary quaternion hermitian lattices. Tohoku Math. J. (2) 71 (2019), no. 2, 207--220. https://doi.org/10.2748/tmj/1561082596 pdf
- T. Ibukiyama and S. Takemori, Construction of theta series of any vector valued weight and applications to lifts and congruences, Exp. Math. 28 (2019), no. 1, 95--114. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10586458.2017.1353454 pdf
- J. Bergstroem, N. Dummigan, T. M\'egarban\'e, T. Ibukiyama, H. Katsurada, Eisenstein congruences for SO(4,3) and SO(4,4), spinor and triple products L values, Experimental Math. Vol.27 Issue 2.(2018), 230-250. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Type numbers of quaternion hermitian forms and supersingular abelian varieties, Osaka J. Math. Vol. 55, 2018, 369-384. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Conjectures on correspondence of symplectic modular forms of middle parahoric type and Ihara lifts, published online March 21, 2018, Research in the Mathematical Sciences (Proceedings of "Modular forms are everywhere".). pdf
- T. Ibukiyama and H. Kitayama, Dimension formulas of paramodular forms of squarefree level and comparison with inner twist, J. Math. Soc. Japan 69 (2017), 597 -- 671. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Composition of automorphic differential operators on Siegel modular forms, Comment. Math. Univ. St. Pauli. Vol. 65 (2016), 97--109. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Structures and dimensions of vector valued Jacobi forms of degree two, Publication RIMS Vol. 51 no. 3 (2015), 513-547. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Conjectures of Shimura type and of Harder type revisited, Comment. Math. Univ. St. Pauli Vol. 63(2014), 79--103.DOI: 10.14992/00010879 pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, H. Katsurada, C. Poor and D. Yuen, Congruences to Ikeda-Miyawaki lifts and triple L-values of elliptic modular forms, J. Number Theory 134(2014), 142--180. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama and H. Katsurada, Exact critical values of the symmetric fourth L functions and vector valued Siegel modular forms, J. Math. Soc. Japan Vol. 66 No. 1 (2014), 139--160. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Modules of vector valued Siegel modular forms of half integral weight, Comment. Math. Univ. St. Pauli Vol. 62 No. 2 (2013), 109--124.DOI: 10.14992/00007670 pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, C. Poor and D. Yuen, Jacobi forms that characterize paramodular forms, arXiv:1209.3438v1 [math.NT]. Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg, Vol. 83 (2013), 111-128. DOI 10.1007/s12188-013-0078-y pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama and Hiroshi Saito, On zeta functions associated to symmetric matrices II: Functional equations and special values, Hiroshi Saito Memorial Volume of Nagoya Math. J. Vol. 208(2012), 263-315. DOI 10.1215/00277630-1815258 pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Lifting conjectures from vector valued Siegel modular forms of degree two, Commentarii Mathematici Univ. St. Pauli in Vol. 61 No.1 (2012), 87-102. http://doi.org/10.14992/00008609 pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Vector valued Siegel modular forms of symmetric tensor weight of small degree, Commentarii Math. Univ. St. Pauli Vl. 61 No. 1(2012), 51-75. http://doi.org/10.14992/00008607 pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Taylor expansions of Jacobi forms and applications to higher indices of degree two, Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. Vol. 48 No. 3 (2012), 579-613. DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/82 pdf
- S. Boecherer and T. Ibukiyama, Surjectivity of Siegel Φ-operator for square free level and small weight. Annales de l'institut Fourier Tome 62 no. 1(2012), 121-144. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Saito Kurokawa lifting of level N and practical construction of Jacobi forms, Kyoto J. Math. Vol. 52, No. 1 (2012), 141-178. doi:10.1215/21562261-1502791 site
- T. Ibukiyama, T. Kuzumaki and H. Ochiai, Holonomic systems of Gegenbauer type polynomials of matrix arguments related with Siegel modular forms, J. Math. Soc. Japan Vol. 64 No.1(2012), 273-316. doi: 10.2969/jmsj/06410273 site
- T. Ibukiyama and H. Katsurada, An Atkin-Lehner type theory on Siegel modular forms and primitive Fourier coefficients, in Geometry and Analysis of Automorphic Forms of Several Variables Ed. by Y. Hamahata, T. Ichikawa, A. Murase, T. Sugano, Series on Number Theory and Its Applications Vol. 7, World Scientific. (2011), 196-210. ( 388 pp.+x) pdf
- T. Ibukiyama and R. Kyomura, A generalization of vector valued Jacobi forms, Osaka J. Math. 48 (2011), 783-808. pdf
- N. Dummigan, T. Ibukiyama and H. Katsurada, Some Siegel modular standard L-values, and Shafarevich-Tate groups, J. Number Theory Vol. 131, Issue 7 (2011), 1296-1330. doi:10.1016/j.jnt.2011.01.012 site
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama and Satoshi Wakatsuki, Siegel modular forms of small weight and the Witt operator, Comtemporary Math. 493 AMS, Quadratic Forms−Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry. Algebraic and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms, December 13-19, 2007 Frutillar, Chile. Ed. Ricardo Baeza, Wai Kiu Chan, Detlev W. Hoffmann, Rainer Schulze-Pillot. AMS (2009), 189-209. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, A Conjecture on a Shimura type correspondence for Siegel modular forms, and Harder's conjecture on congruences, Modular Forms on Schiermonnikoog Edited by Bas Edixhoven, Gerard van der Geer and Ben Moonen, Cambridge University Press (2008), 107-144. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama and Nils-Peter Skoruppa, A vanishing theorem of Siegel modular forms of weight one, Abhand. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg No. 77 (2007), 229-235. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/BF03173501.pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Siegel Modular Forms of Weight Three and Conjectural Correspondence of Shimura Type and Langlands Type, The conference on L-functions, Fukuoka Japan 18-23 February 2006, edited by L. Weng and M. Kaneko, World Scientific New Jersey London Singapore Beijing Shanghai Hongkong Taipei Chennai (2007), 55-69, pdf
- T. Ibukiyama and H. Katsurada, Koecher Maass Series for Real Analytic Siegel Eisenstein Series, in Automorphic Forms and Zeta Functions ed. by S. Boecherer, T. Ibukiyama, M. Kaneko, F. Sato, World Scientific (2006),170-197. pdf
- S. Hayashida and T. Ibukiyama, Siegel modular forms of half integral weight and a lifting conjecture, J. Math. Kyoto Univ. Vol. 45 No. 3 (2005), 489-530. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Positivity of eta products of a certain case of K. Saito's conjecture, Publication RIMS 41 No. 3(2005), 683-693. pdf
- H. Aoki and T. Ibukiyama Simple Graded Rings of Siegel Modular Forms, Differential Operators and Borcherds Products, International J.Math. Vol. 16 No. 3 (2005), 249-279. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama and H. Katsurada, An explicit formula for the Koecher Maass Dirichlet series for the Ikeda lift, Abhand. Math. Semi. Univ. Hamburg no.74(2004), 101-121. pdf
- E. Bannai, M. Harada, T. Ibukiyama. A. Munemasa, M. Oura, Type II Codes over F2+uF2 and applications to hermitian modular forms, Abhand. Math. Semi. Univ. Hamburg, Band 73(2003), 13-42. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama and Hidenori Katsurada, An explicit formula for Koecher Maass Dirichlet series for Eisenstein series of Klingen type, J. Number Theory Vol. 102, No. 2 (2003), 223-256. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama and H. Saito (translated by Don Zagier), On "easy" zeta functions, Sugaku Expositions 14 (2001), no. 2, 191-204.pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama and Hidenori Katsurada, On squared Möbius function for half integral matrices and its application, J. Number Theory 86 (2001), 78-117. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Modular forms of rational weights and modular varieties, Abhand. Math. Semi. Univ. Hamburg 70. (2000), 315-339. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, On differential operators on automorphic forms and invariant pluriharmonic polynomials Commentarii Math. Univ. St. Pauli 48(1999), 103-118. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, On some elementary character sums, Commentarii Math. Univ. St. Pauli 47(1998), 7-13. pdf
- W. Eholzer and Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Rankin-Cohen type differential operators for Siegel modular forms, International J. Math. Vol. 9 No. 4 (1998), 443-463. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama and Hiroshi Saito 「やさしい」ゼータ関数について日本数学会「数学」 50巻1号(1998), 1-11. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama and Fumie Onodera, On the graded ring of modular forms of the Siegel paramodular group of level 2, Abh. Math. Sem.Univ. Hamburg 67 (1997), 297-305. site
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama and Hiroshi Saito, On zeta functions associated to symmetric matrices III. An explicit form of L functions, Nagoya Math. J. 146(1997), 149-183.site
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama and Hiroshi Saito, On zeta functions associated to symmetric matrices I. An explicit form of zeta functions. Amer. J. Math. 117(1995), no.5, 1097-1155. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama and Hiroshi Saito. On L-functions of ternary zero forms and exponential sums of Lee and Weintraub, J. Number Theory 48(1994), no.2, 252-257. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama and Toshiyuki Katsura. On the field of definition of superspecial polarized abelian varieties and type numbers. Compositio Math. 91(1994), no.1, 37-46. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama. On some alternating sums of dimemsions of Siegel modular forms of general degree and cusp configurations. J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect. IA Math. 40(1993), no.2, 245-283. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, On rational points of curves of genus three over finite fields. Tôhoku Math. J. 45(1993), 311-329. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama. On Jacobi forms and Siegel modular forms of half integral weights. Comment. Math. Univ. St. Paul. 41(1992), no.2, 109-124. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama and Hiroshi Saito, On zeta functions associated to symmetric matrices and an explicit conjecture on dimensions of Siegel modular forms of general degree, Internt. Math. Res. Notices 1992, no.8, 161-169.pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama. On Siegel modular varieties of level three. 1991. International J. Math. 2 (1991), no.1, 17-35.
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama. On automorphism groups of positive definite binary quaternion hermitian lattices and new mass formula, pages 301-349. Advanced Studies in pure Math. Vol.15, Kinokuniya, Tokyo, 1989. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama and Yasutaka Ihara. On automorphic forms on the unitary symplectic group Sp(n) and SL2(R) Math. Ann., 278:307-327, 1987. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Toshiyuki Katsura, and Frans Oort. Supersingular curves of genus two and class numbers. Compositio Math., 57:127-152, 1986. pdf
- Ki-ichiro Hashimoto and Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama. On relations of dimensions of automorphic forms of Sp(2;R) and its compact twist Sp(2) (II). Advanced Studies in Pure Math., 7:30-102, 1985. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama. On relations of dimensions of automorphic forms of Sp(2;R) and its compact twist Sp(2) (I). Advanced Studies in Pure Math., 7:7-29, 1985. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama. Construction of half integral weight Siegel modular forms of Sp(2;R) from automorphic forms of the compact twist Sp(2). J. reine angew. Math., 359:188-220, 1985. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama. On automorphic forms of Sp(2;R) and its compact form Sp(2). Séminaire de Théorie des nomble de Paris, 1982-1983, Progr. Math. 51, Birkhauser Boston,Inc.:125-134, 1984.
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama. On symplectic Euler factors of genus two. J.Fac.Sci.Univ.Tokyo Sec.IA Math., 30:587-614, 1984. pdf
- Ki-ichiro Hashimoto and Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama. On class numbers of positive definite binary quaternion harmitian forms (III). J.Fac.Sci.Univ.Tokyo Sect.IA Math., 30:393-401, 1983. pdf
- Ki-ichiro Hashimoto and Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama. On class numbers of positive definite binary quaternion harmitian forms (II). J.Fac.Sci.Univ.Tokyo SectIA Math., 28:695-699, 1982. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama. On maximal orders of division quaternion algebras over the rational number field with certain optimal embeddings. Nagoya Math. J., 88:181-195, 1982. pdf
- Ki-ichiro Hashimoto and Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama. On class numbers of positive definite binary quaternion harmitian forms. J.Fac.Sci.Univ.Tokyo Sect.IA Math., 27:549-601, 1980. pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama. Formal groups and L-functions. J.Fac.Sci.Univ.Tokyo Sect.IA Math., 21:249-262, 1974. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Universal automorphic differential operators on Siegel modular forms and special polynomials (preprint, published as "Generic differential operators on Siegel modular forms and special polynomials"; See the above list of main papers.) ),
- S. Grushevsky, T. Ibukiyama, G. Mondello, R. Salvati Manni, Differentiating Siegel modular forms and the moving slope of A_g, arXiv 2207.04139
- T. Ibukiyama, V. Karemaker, C-F. Yu, The Gauss problems for central leaves, arXiv. 2205.13180
- H. Atobe, M. Chida, T. Ibukiyama, H. Katsurada, and T. Yamauchi, Harder's conjectuer I, arXiv2109.10551
- T. Ibukiyama, Dimensions of paramodular forms and compact twist modular forms with involutions, arXiv2208.13578
- T. Ibukiyama, Genus character L functions of quadratic orders in an adelic way and maximal orders of matrix algebras, arXiv2303.14987
- H. Atobe, M. Chida, T. Ibukiyama, H. Katsurada, and T. Yamauchi, Harder's conjectuer II, arXiv2306.07582
- T. Ibukiyama, Dimensions of paramodular forms with involution, 数理解析研究所講究録 「保型形式の研究」 No. 2292, (2024), 111--125. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Differential operators on Siegel modular forms and automorphy factors, 数理解析研究所講究録 「保型形式の解析的・数論的研究」 No. 2264, (2023), 210--225. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Pullback formula and applications. 数理解析研究所講究録 「保型形式と L 関数の解析的、幾何的、p 進的研究」 No. 2197, (2021),184--198. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Siegel modular forms and special polynomials, 数理解析研究所講究録 「代数的組み合わせ論と関連する群と代数の研究」 No. 2148, (2020),66--79. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Ihara lifts and conjectural correspondences between symplectic automorphic forms of genus two, 数理解析研究所講究録 「Profinite monodromy, Galois representations, and complex functions, No. 2120, (2019),61--71. pdf
- 伊吹山知義、 Siegel modular forms of middle parahoric subgroups and Ihara lift, 数理解析研究所講究録 「保型形式の解析的・数論的研究」No. 2100, 202-213. (2019), 148-159. pdf
- 伊吹山知義、 G-type numbers of quaternion hermitian lattices and supersingular geometry, 数理解析研究所講究録 No. 2055「保型形式とその周辺} (2017), 148-159. pdf
- 伊吹山知義、竹森翔、Construction of theta functions of any vector valued weight and applications to lifts and congruences, 数理解析研究所講究録 No. 2055「保型形式とその周辺} (2017), 124-136. pdf
- 伊吹山知義、 Universal differential operators on Siegel Modular Forms, 数理解析研究所講究録 No.2036 「保型形式・保型的 L 関数とその周辺」 (2017), 113-127. <A href="http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~kyodo/kokyuroku/contents/pdf/2036-12.pdf> pdf
- 伊吹山知義、 Three theorems on Jacobi forms of general degree, 数理解析研究所講究録 1973 「モジュラー形式と保型表現」(2015),18--33.
- 伊吹山知義、 Higher spherical polynomials(joint work with Don Zagier) 京大数理研講究録 \textbf{1934} 「Automorphic Forms and Related Zeta Functions」 (2015), 123-137.
- 伊吹山知義、Construction of liftings to vector valued Siegel modular forms, 早稲田大学整数論研究集会 2014 報告集、(2014), 125--144.
- T. Ibukiyama, Construction of liftings to vector valued Siegel modular forms (2014), Oberwolfach Report No.22/2014, 3pp. DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2014/22.
- 伊吹山知義、Structures and dimensions of vector valued Jacobi forms, and conjectures of Shimura type and Harder type, 京大数理解析研究所講究録1871「保型形式とその周辺」報告集(2013), 214--225.
- 伊吹山知義、Saito-Kurokawa lifting of level N, 第19回整数論サマースクール「リフティング」 報告集(2012),163-181.pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Exact critical values of the symmetric fourth L function and Zagier's conjecture, abstract of thet talk in Arbeitstagung, 2011, MPI in Bonn, MPI preprint series. pp. 4. AT2011 pdf
- 伊吹山知義、SL2(Z) の共役類の分類と跡公式、第18回整数論サマースクール 「Arthur-Selberg跡公式入門」報告集(2011), 135-160.
- T. Ibukiyama, Taylor expansions of Jacobi forms of general degree and explicit structures in higher indices, 京大数理解析研究所講究録1715、保型形式・保型表現およびそれに伴うL 関数と周期の研究、2010年10月刊 pp. 169-182. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Dimension formulas of Siegel modular forms of weight 3 and supersingular abelian varieties, Proceedings of the 4-th Spring Conference on modular forms and related topics, "Siegel Modular Forms and Abelian Varieties" ed. by T. Ibukiyama (2007), 39-60. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Paramodular forms and compact twist, Automorphic Forms on GSp(4), Proceedings of the 9-th Autumn Workshop on Number Theory, Ed. M. Furusawa (2007), 37-48. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, Higher Spherical polynomials and functions, The proceedings of Second COE Workshop on Sphere Packings, ed. by Eiichi Bannai, (2005), 95-101.
- T. Ibukiyama, K. Saito's conjecture on positivity of eta products and "extremal pair" of lattices, Oberwolfach Report 1/2005 (2005), 54-55.
- T. Ibukiyama, Differential operators on Siegel modular forms and Related topics, Proceedings of the 7-th autumn workshop on number theory, "Differential operators on Siegel modular forms and application" (2005), 1-22.
- 伊吹山知義、2次ジーゲル保型形式に関する種々のリフティング予想と志村対応予想、第49回代数学シンポジウム報告集、2005年1月、pp.1-13,
- T. Ibukiyama, Construction of vector valued Siegel modular forms and conjecture on Shimura correspondence, The third spring conference on modular forms and related topics. (2004),1 - 7.
- 伊吹山知義、ジーゲル保型形式の志村対応の予想の定式化およびcubic zeta liftingの実例、 京大数理解析研究所講究録「保型形式の構成とその応用」2004年10月発行、pp.137-148. pdf
- 伊吹山知義、Application of Modular Forms to Lattices、第2回保型形式周辺分野スプリングコンファレンス報告集2004年2月、pp.1-30.
- 伊吹山知義、Siegel 保型形式入門と保型形式環、第1回保型形式周辺分野スプリングコンファレンス報告集「保型形式環」2003年3月、pp.1-42.
- 伊吹山知義、Vector Valued Siegel Modular Forms of Sym(4) and Sym(6), 京大数理解析研究所講究録1281「保型形式およびそれに附随するディリクレ級数の研究(2002),129-140 pdf
- 伊吹山知義、Memoirs on "Easy" Zeta Functions, 第9回整数論サマースクール報告集(2002), 235-248. pdf
- Syuichi Hayashida and Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, A lifting conjecture on Siegel modular forms of half integral weights, Proceedings of Japanesema-German seminar "Explicit structure of modular forms and zeta functions, ed. by T. Ibukiyama and W. Kohnen (2002), 80 - 89
- 伊吹山知義、Graded rings of modular forms of rational weights of level 11 and 13, Proceedings of the Workshop on Number Theory 2001, Institute of Math. Waseda Univ. (2001), 104-113.
- 伊吹山知義、Differential operators and structures of vector valued Siegel modular forms, 京大数理研講究録1200「代数的整数論とその周辺」 (2001年4月発行), 71 - 81. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, A general theory of differential operators on Siegel modular forms and special polynomials, Conference on Codes, lattices, modular forms and vertex operator algebras, 山形大学、(2001年2月) 53 - 65.
- 伊吹山知義: Dimension of holomorphic automorphic forms of tube domains; the contribution of central unipotent elements and zeta functions of prehomogeneous vector spaces, 第3回整数論オータムワークショップ「保型形式の次元公式」(2001), 66 - 92.
- 伊吹山知義: 分数ウェイトの保型形式、第8回整数論サマースクール報告集(2001), 1-22. pdf
- 伊吹山知義、林田秀一: Siegel modular forms of half integral weights and a lifting conjecture, 京大数理研講究録研究集会・代数群上の保型形式、保型表現と保型L関数、2000 pp. 98-112, pdf
- 伊吹山知義:Modular forms of rational weights and unitary reflection groups, 京大数理研講究録 研究集会・有限群論と代数的組み合わせ論、 2000, to appear
- 伊吹山知義:例外Lie 環の分類と構成、第7回整数論サマースクール報告集、2000年2月, pp. 212-241. pdf
- T. Ibukiyama, On explicit form of various zeta functions of quadratic forms, 代数的組合せ論と組合せ論的2次形式研究集会(1998 年、山形)、2000年2月発行、pp. 63-70. pdf
- 伊吹山知義、Siegel modular forms of half integral weight of F0(4) of degree two, 第16回代数的組合せ論シンポジウム研究集会報告集(1999年、九州大学)、1999年12月発行, pp.134-140.
- 24. 伊吹山知義:有限体Fp2 上の有理点数最大の種数3の代数曲線の存在(p は任意の奇素数), 第2回代数幾何・数論および符号・暗号研究集会報告集, 1998年12月pp. 17-25.
- 伊吹山知義: Koecher Maass series on Tube domains, 第1回整数論オータムワークショップ報告集、1999, 1-46
- 伊吹山知義・桂田英典: Koecher-Maass Dirichlet series for Eisenstein series of Klingen type, 京大数理研講究録1052, 研究集会・保型形式と整数論, 1998, 217-230 pdf
- Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, On Shintani's zeta functions of ternary zero forms (third approach), 京大数理研講究録 999, (1997),10-20. pdf
- 伊吹山知義:A survey on the new proof of Saito-Kurokawa lifting after Duke and Imamoglu, 第5回整数論サマースクール報告集、1997, 134-176.pdf
- 伊吹山知義・桂田英典:An explicit form of Koecher Maass Dirichlet series associated with Siegel Eisenstein series, 京大数理研講究録965, 研究集会・代数群上の保型形式、1996, 41-51. pdf
- 伊吹山知義:On dimensions of automorphic forms and zeta functions of prehomogeneous vector space, 京大数理研講究録924, 短期共同研究・概均質ベクトル空間の研究、1995, 127-133. pdf
- 伊吹山知義:An explicit formula for zeta functions associated with quadratic forms (行者明彦記)、京大数理研講究録924, 短期共同研究・概均質ベクトル空間の研究、1995, 88-101. pdf
- 伊吹山知義:保型形式の次元公式について、第39回代数学シンポジウム報告集、1995, 115-117.
- 伊吹山知義:On some elementary exponential sums, 研究集会報告集I 整数論、早稲田大学理工学総合研究センター招聘研究(数理科学)、 1994, p.93.
- 伊吹山知義:2次形式入門(II)(不定値2次形式とEisenstein 級数), 第1 回整数論サマースクール報告集, 1993, 56-75.
- 伊吹山知義・齋籐裕:On zeta functions of symmetric matrices and dimensions of Siegel modular forms, 京大数理研講究録843 保型形式とL函数の研究, 1993, 150-161. pdf
- 伊吹山知義:On differential operators on automrophic forms and invariant pluri-harmonic polynomials, 京大数理研講究録805, 保型形式と関連するゼータ関数の研究1992, 88-100. pdf
- 伊吹山知義:Supersingular abelian varieties の算術的理論, 京大数理研講究録775, Einstein 計量とYang-Mills 接続, 1992, 154-166. pdf
- 伊吹山知義:Parahoric subgroups and automorphic forms, 京大数理研講究録737, 代数群とその周辺、 1990, 94-105. pdf
- 伊吹山知義:超特異アーベル多様体の定義体と代数曲線の有理点, 京大数理研講究録727, 整数論ー保型形式と関連する研究, 1990, 53-68. pdf
- 伊吹山知義:Eichler 対応の拡張のための一つのプログラム, 京大数理研講究録689、整数論と保型形式、1989, 1-24.pdf
- 伊吹山知義:保型形式の次元へのユニポテント共役類の寄与の消滅, 京大数理研講究録617、保型形式とその周辺、1987, 160-175. pdf
- 伊吹山知義:Jacobi formと重さ半整数のSiegel modular form, 整数論研究会記録(九州大学)、1986, 8-13.
- 伊吹山知義:格子の自己同型群と跡公式の一般化, 京大数理研講究録583, Automorphic representationの研究, 1986, 106-119. pdf
- 伊吹山知義・橋本喜一朗:Sp(2;R) とSp(2) の保型形式の次元の比較、京大数理研講究録546, 保型形式シンポジウム1985, 24-50. pdf
- 伊吹山知義:On symplectic Euler factors of genus two, 京大数理研講究録447, テータ関数・ジーゲルモジュラ形式とその周辺, 1981, 32-43. pdf
- 伊吹山知義:Siegel modular form について, 総合研究集会報告集(名古屋大学), 1980, 145-157.
- 伊吹山知義, 橋本喜一朗:On class numbers of positive definite binary quaternion hermitian forms, 第25回代数学シンポジウム報告集, 1979, 1-12.
- 伊吹山知義:有理数体上の4元数環の基底と極大整数環, 日本数学会「数学」第24巻4 号、(1972), 316-318. pdf
- B. Heim, M. Al-Baali, T. Ibukiyama, R. Rupp (Eds), Automorphic Forms, Springer Proceedings in mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 115, (2014), 242 pp. + xiv, Springer Verlag.
- T. Ibukiyama Editor, Proceedings of the 4-th Spring Conference on Modular Forms and Related Topics, "Siegel Modular Forms and Abelian Varieties", (2007) pp.255+xi
- S. Boecherer, T. Ibukiyama, M. Kaneko and F. Sato Editors, Automorphic Forms and Zeta Functions, Proceedings of the Conference in Memory of Tsuneo Arakawa, World Scientific (2006) pp.388 + x.
- T. Ibukiyama Editor, Proceedings of the 7-th Autumn Workshop on Number Theory, "Differential operators on Siegel modular forms and application", 2005, pp. 182 +xix.
- T. Ibukiyama Editor, Proceedings of the Third Spring Conference on Modular Forms and Related Topics, January, 2005, 108 pages.
- 伊吹山知義編集、第2回保型形式周辺分野スプリングコンファレンス報告集2004年5月発行、238頁
- 伊吹山知義編集、第1回保型形式周辺分野スプリングコンファレンス「保型形式環」2003年2月発行、191頁
- T. Ibukiyama and W. Kohnen Editors, Proceedings of Japanese-German Seminar on "Explicit structures of modular forms and zeta functions" March, 2002, 251 pages.
- 伊吹山知義編集、第3回整数論オータムワークショップ「保型形式の次元公式」報告集2001年2月発行250頁
- 伊吹山知義編集、第2回整数論オータムワークショップ「Eisenstein 級数」報告集2000年2月発行121頁
- 伊吹山知義編集、第1回整数論オータムワークショップ「Koecher-Maass級数」報告集1999年2月発行243頁
- 伊吹山知義編集、第1回整数論サマースクール「アイゼンシュタイン級数」報告集1994年2月発行182頁
- 伊吹山知義編集、京大数理解析研究所講究録No. 843「保型形式とL関数の研究」1993年6月発行
- 伊吹山知義、保型形式特論、共立出版、2018 年5月刊, x+467 pp.
- T. Arakawa, T. Ibukiyama, M. Kaneko, Bernoulli Numbers and Zeta Functions, Springer Verlag (2014), xi+274. springer site
- 川中宣明、宮西正宣編、伊吹山知義ほか著、現代数学概説III, 大阪大学出版会、2002年6月刊
- 伊吹山知義ほか:ベルヌーイ数とゼータ関数、牧野書店、2001年7月刊、共著者:荒川恒男、金子昌信
- 伊吹山知義ほか:数学、物理100の方程式(数学セミナー増刊)、円分方程式の項、50-51, 共著者: 岡本和夫ほか57 名、1989年4月、日本評論社
- 伊吹山知義ほか:数と図形の文化(九州大学公開講座19), 第5章、上半平面の幾何学と整数論担当、117-139, 共著者:鎌田正良ほか10名, 1988年9月, 九州大学出版会
- 伊吹山知義:線形代数学, 近代科学社, 1987年10月
- 伊吹山知義ほか:「科学」50 巻記念増刊号「論文に見る日本の科学50年」のTaira Honda: Formal groups and zeta-functionsの項、178-179, 共著者:青本和彦ほか118名, 1980年11月, 岩波書店
- 伊吹山知義、数論と方程式、数理科学3月号, 52-58(サイエンス社刊、2011.3).
- 伊吹山知義、書評「数学にこころざす人へ」数学セミナー3月号(日本評論社刊、2006.2)
- 伊吹山知義、数学ガイダンスhyper (日本評論社刊,2005.3)のうち「2元2次形式からの出発」の項
- 伊吹山知義:整数論、2次形式からの出発数学セミナー2003年1月号
- 伊吹山知義:リーマンゼータとオイラー積、数学セミナー第41巻6号2002年6月、26-27
- 伊吹山知義:大学院入試問題研究、代数体と数の計算、数学セミナー第36巻、1997年8月、74-75, 日本評論社.
- 伊吹山知義:保型形式の初歩的なお話、数学セミナー第31巻13号、66-70, 1992年12月, 66-70, 日本評論社
- 伊吹山知義:機械的な計算を超えよう、数学セミナー第28巻12号1989年12月pp.3, 日本評論社
- 本田平著、伊吹山知義記:代数的微分方程式、東大セミナリーノート第38巻(全55頁), 1977年10月、記述と付録を担当
- 伊吹山知義ほか:代数的整数論国際シンポジウム印象記、日本数学会「数学」第29巻3号、1977年7月、221-222. 共著者:森田康夫ほか17名
- 伊吹山知義:書評S. Lang 著、Elliptic functions, 1975年10月、数理科学第148号(1975年10月), 74頁, サイエンス社.