Invited talks: 41. One-day workshop:Artin group and related topics, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Science, 17 May, 2025,Right-angled Artin subgroups of mapping class groups for nonorientable surfaces and curve graphs (to be scheduled). 40. The 20th East Asian Conference on Geometric Topology, The Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo, 4 February, 2025, Curve graphs and right-angled Artin subgroups of mapping class groups for nonorientable surfaces. 39. Dynamical Group Theory V KIAS workshop on One RElator groups and other Aspects of GGT, Lotte Hotels & Resorts in Gimhae, Korea, November 22, 2024, Automorphisms of fine curve graphs for nonorientale surfaces. 38. Knot Theory, Geometric Lie Group Theory and Its Application 2023, Tokyo University of Science, 13 March, 2024, A quasi-isometric embedding induced by the orientation double covering. 37. The 19th East Asian Conference on Geometric Topology, RIMS, 20 February, 2024, Automorphisms of fine curve graphs for nonorientale surfaces. 36. The 18th East Asian Conference on Geometric Topology, Zoom, February 7, 2023, Gromov hyperbolicity of some kinds of curve graphs for nonorientable surfaces. 35. Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, Osaka Metropolitan University, November 18, 2022, Quasi-isometric embeddings induced by the orientation double coverings. 34. Long-distance Seminar on Geometric Group Theory in Mexico, Zoom, November 17, 2022, A quasi-isometric embedding between mapping class groups. 33. Oka Seminar for Women, Zoom, September 20, 2022, Right-angled Artin groups and curve graphs of nonorientable surfaces. 32. Women in Mathematics, Zoom, September 7, 2022, Quasi-isometric embeddings from mapping class groups of nonorientable surfaces. 31. The 13th KOOK-TAPU Joint Seminar on Knots and Related Topics, Gromov hyperbolicity of nonseparating curve graphs for nonorientable surfaces, Osaka Metropolitan University and Zoom, 27 Jully, 2022. 30. Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology, RIMS and Zoom, May 25, 2022, Gromov hyperbolicity of fine curve graphs for nonorientable surfaces. 29. International young seminar on bounded cohomology and simplicial volume, Online, 2 May, 2022, Fine curve graphs and the Gromov hyperbolicity for nonorientable surfaces. 28. Riemann surfaces and related topics, Online, 15 February, 2022, Fine curve graphs of nonorientable surfaces and the Gromov hyperbolicity. 27. Mathsci Freshman Seminar 2022,Kyushu University and Zoom,8 February, 2022, Right-angled Artin subgroups of mapping class groups of nonorientable surfaces. 26. The 17th East Asian Conference on Geometric Topology, Online, 19 January, 2022, Uniform hyperbolicity for fine curve graphs of nonorientable surfaces. 25. Tohoku University Geometry Seminar, Japan, Online, 2 November, 2021, Gromov hyperbolicity for nonseparating curve graphs of nonorientable surfaces. 24. Kyodai Differential Topology Seminar, Kyoto, Japan, Online, 5 October, 2021, Gromov hyperbolicity for fine curve graphs of nonorientable surfaces. 23. Handai Topology Seminar, Osaka, Japan, 30 June, 2021, Curve graphs of nonorientable surfaces and right-angled Artin groups. 22. ToKoDai Topology Seminar, Tokyo, Japan, 28 May, 2021, On quasi-isometric embeddings from mapping class groups of nonorientable surfaces to mapping class groups of orientable surfaces. 21. The 16th East Asian Conference on Geometric Topology, Online, 25 January, 2021, Distortion of mapping class groups of nonorientable surfaces in the mapping class groups of orientable surfaces. 20. Osaka University, Osaka University Colloquium, Osaka, Japan, June 2018, The right-angled Artin groups on the complement graphs of path graphs in mapping class groups. 19. Osaka City University Cultural Exchanging Center, N-KOOK Seminar, Osaka, Japan, June 2018, On right-angled Artin groups on the complement graphs of path graphs embedded in mapping class groups. 18. Osaka City University, Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, Osaka, Japan, May 2018, Abelian subgroups of the mapping class groups for non-orientable surfaces. 17. Osaka University, Low-dimensional Topology Seminar, Osaka, Japan, May 2018, Maximal rank of abelian subgroups for the mapping class groups of non-orientable surfaces. 16. Saitama University, Saitama University Thursday Seminar on Geometry, Saitama, Japan, February 2018, On the distortion of the Torelli groups in the mapping class groups for the oriented surfaces with boundary components. 15. KAIST, The 13th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, Daejeon, Korea, January 2018, A lower bound of the distortion of the Torelli group in the mapping class group with boundary components. 14. University of Gdansk, Topology and Algebra Seminar, Gdansk, Poland, October 2017, Abelian subgroups of the mapping class groups for non-orientable surfaces. 13. University of Tokyo, Conference on Geometric Topology related to Riemann surface, Tokyo, Japan, September, 2017, Abelian subgroups of the mapping class groups for non-orientable surfaces. 12. Tokyo University of Science, Singularity and Topology seminar, Chiba, Japan, July, 2017, Uniform hyperbolicity for curve graphs of non-orientable surfaces. 11. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Topology seminar, Tokyo, Japan, November, 2016, Abelian subgroups of the mapping class groups for non-orientable surfaces. 10. Tokyo Institute of Technology, The 18th Kanto Young geometry seminar, Tokyo, Japan, November, 2016, A lower bound of the distortion of the Torelli group in the mapping class group with boundary components (joint work with Genki Omori). 9. McGill University, Geometric group theory seminar, Montreal, Canada, October, 2016, Uniform hyperbolicity for curve graphs of non-orientable surfaces. 8. Hiroshima University, Topology-Geometry Seminar, Hiroshima, Japan, May, 2016, Disk graphs and right-angled Artin subgroups of handlebody groups. 7. Osaka City University, Hurwitz action 5, Osaka, Japan, January, 2016, Right-angled Artin subgroups of handlebody groups and finite subgraphs of disk graphs. 6. Le Nessa Akazawa, Workshop on Osajda's monster, Shizuoka, Japan, January, 2016, Disk graphs and right-angled Artin subgroups of handlebody groups. 5. RIMS, Kyoto University, Geometry and Analysis of Discrete Groups and Hyperbolic Spaces, Kyoto, Japan, June, 2015, Uniform hyperbolicity for arc graphs, curve graphs, and arc-curve graphs of non-orientable surfaces. 4. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Handle friendship seminar, Tokyo, Japan, June, 2015, Geometric group theory and uniform hyperbolicity for curve graphs. 3. Keio University, Seminar on differential geometry and topology, Tokyo, Japan, May, 2015, Uniform hyperbolicity for arc graphs, curve graphs, and arc-curve graphs of nonorientable surfaces. 2. Nagoya Institute of Technology, Spring Workshop 2015 & Knotting Nagoya, Aichi, Japan, April, 2015, Uniform hyperbolicity for arc graphs, curve graphs, and arc-curve graphs of nonorientable surfaces. 1. Nihon University, Seminar on Geometric Topology of dimension 3, Tokyo, Japan, April, 2015, Uniform hyperbolicity for arc graphs, curve graphs, and arc-curve graphs of nonorientable surfaces. |