Date of birth: 16 July, 1990 April, 2016 -- September, 2017 - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science research fellowship for young scientists (DC2). October, 2017 -- December, 2017 - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science research fellowship for young scientists (PD). January, 2018 -- March, 2018 - research support staff at the Course of Mathematics, Programs in Mathematics, Electronics and Informatics, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, Japan. April, 2018 -- present - assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics, Osaka University, Japan. (March 22, 2019 -- June 15, 2019 - maternity leave.) (June 16, 2019 -- March 31, 2020 - parental leave.) Grants: [4] 2021--2022, Grant for research in basic fields of natural science, Foundation of Kinoshita Memorial Enterprise. [3] 2021--2025, JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists. [2] 2020--2023, JST, ACT-X, Frontier of mathematics and information science. [1] 2016--2018, JSPS KAKENHI, Research Fellowship for Young Scientists. Awards: [2] 29 Nobember, 2021, ICM 2022 The Kovalevskaya grant award. [1] February 21, 2019, Seiichi Tejima Research Award, Tokyo Institute of Technology departmental award. Studying abroad: ・November 19, 2024 -- November 22, 2024,Dynamical Group Theory V KIAS workshop on One RElator groups and other Aspects of GGT, Lotte Hotels & Resorts in Gimhae, Korea. ・December 11, 2023 -- December 15, 2023, Winter School on Low-dimensional Topology and Related Topics, IBS POSTECH, Korea. ・January 28, 2018 -- February 2, 2018, The 13th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, KAIST, Korea. ・September 30, 2017 -- October 12, 2017, University of Gdansk (Blazej Szepietowski's office), Gdansk, Poland. ・September 26, 2016 -- October 1, 2016, Workshop Groups acting on CAT(0) spaces, MSRI, Berkeley, California. ・August 31, 2016 -- October 15, 2016, McGill University (Piotr Przytycki's office), Motreal, Canada. ・June 27, 2015 -- July 5, 2015, Conference on Geometric Group Theory, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland. ・July 20, 2014 -- July 26, 2014, Graduate Student Workshop on Mathematics, NIMS, Daejeon, Korea. Outreach activities: ・August 7, 2024, Topology laboratory, Open Campus at Osaka University. ・August 5, 2023--August 7, 2023, Summer School for Junior High and High school girls 2023. ・July 14, 2023, Talks for students of Otemae senior high school, Osaka University. ・Nobember 5, 2022, Open lecture for high school students, Department of Mathematics, Osaka University. ・August 7, 2022 -- August 8, 2022, Summer School for Junior High and High school girls 2022, online. ・August 18, 2021,Talks for high school girls, Open Campus at Osaka University, online. ・August 8, 2021 -- August 9, 2021, Summer School for Junior High and High school girls 2021, online. ・March 11, 2021, The 3rd Women Scientist Summit @ Osaka University, Talk title ``Coarse geometry", Graduate Schools of Science and Engineering Science, Osaka University, online. ・August 5, 2017 -- August 7, 2017, Summer School for Junior High and High school girls 2017, National Women's Education Center, Saitama, Japan. ・August 6, 2016 -- August 8, 2016, Summer School for Junior High and High school girls 2016, National Women's Education Center, Saitama, Japan. |