List of Talks
Here I put a list of my talks at seminars, workshops and so on, mainly for my own sake. The list is rather exhaustive for talks from 2014 on, but more or less selective for earlier ones.
From Nov.16, 2015, the information is given in the form: title, seminar or conference, the institute where the talk is given, city, country, date.
- Motivic mass formulas and permutation quotient singularities, Conference on Algebraic Geometry, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum, Sanya, China, Dec. 25, 2024.
- Motivic mass formulas and permutation quotient singularities, The 2nd Niigata Algebra Symposium, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan, Nov. 28, 2024.
- Is there a representation-theoretic criterion for a quotient variety in positive characteristic to have only log terminal singularities?, Group Actions, Geometry and Cohomology, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, Jul. 12, 2024.
- Quotient singularities by permutation actions, The 1st Algebraic geometry Gero symposium, Gero Civic Hall, Gero, Japan, Jun. 19, 2024.
- The invariance of higher Nash blowup local algebra under contact equivalence, Seminar, Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas, UNAM Campus Morelia, Morelia, Mexico, May 28, 2024.
- Counting points vs. counting Galois extensions, Coloquio CIMAT-DEMAT, CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico, May 23, 2024.
- F-blowups and essential divisors, Seminario de Geometría Algebraica y Álgebra Conmutativa, CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico, May 22, 2024.
- Noncommutative Frobenius maps, 正標数の可換環論とその周辺2024, Keinomatsubara, Awajishima, Japan, Mar. 28, 2024.
- F-blowups of quotient singularities and toric singularities, McKay correspondence, Tilting theory and related topics, Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan, Dec. 18, 2023.
- Orbifold pseudo-effective cones, Algebraic Geometry in East Asia 2023, KIAS, Seoul Korea, Nov. 6, 2023.
- F-blowups and essential divisors, Kinosaki Algebraic Geometry Symposium 2023, Kinosaki International Arts Center, Kinosaki, Japan, Oct. 24, 2023.
- F-blowups of quotient singularities and toric singularities, Osaka University Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, Oct. 16, 2023.
- F-blowups and essential divisors, Workshop "Topology of Singularities and Related Topics," Quy Nhon, Vietnam, Sep. 12, 2023.
- F-blowups and essential divisors, Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, Jun. 2, 2023.
- Stringy invariants and finiteness of local fundamental groups, Non-Archimedean methods in arithmetic and geometry, SwissMap Research Station in Les Diablerets, Switzerland, Feb. 16, 2023.
- Batyrev-Manin conjecture for Deligne-Mumford stacks, Session "Arithmetic Geometry: Theory and Computation" of PRIMA Congress 2022, Vancouver, Canada, Dec. 8, 2022.
- Orbifold pseudo-effective cones, Rationality, Moduli Spaces, and Related Topics, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, Nov. 10, 2022.
- Another height function for Deligne-Mumford stacks via twisted sectors, Geometry of Arithmetic Statistics (Simons Symposium), Schloss Elmau, Krün, Germany, Sep. 1, 2022.
- Local étale fundamental groups of log terminal surface singularities, Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics, RIMS, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Dec. 15, 2021.
- The wild McKay correspondence and motivic integration, Colloquium talk, Tohoku University (Online), Nov. 15, 2021.
- Introduction to algebraic stacks (with emphasis on application to singularities), RIMS x OIST Jointly-funded Workshop: "Interactions of New Trends in Algebraic Geometry and Singularities," Online, Oct. 15, 2021.
- The isomorphism problem for projective schemes, Algebra Session, MSJ-KMS Joint Meeting 2021, Online, Sep. 13, 2021.
- Local fundamental groups of log terminal singularities via stringy motives, "Recent Developments in Algebraic Geometry, Arithmetic and Dynamics Part 1," Online, Jun. 15, 2021.
- On the isomorphism problem of projective schemes, AGEA (Algebraic Geometry in East Asia) Seminar, Online, Apr. 30, 2021.
- Stringy motives and local fundamental groups of klt surface singularities in arbitrary characteristic, ZAG (Zoom Algebraic Geometry) Seminar, Online, Apr. 6, 2021.
- Quotient singularities via stringy motives, 2020 OIST Workshop “Quantum Math, Singularities and Applications,” Online, Feb. 12, 2021.
- モチーフ積分とMcKay対応, Colloquium talk, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Online), Oct. 26, 2020.
- 位数\(p^2\)の巡回群による商特異点, Singularity Seminar (特異点セミナー), Online, Sep. 2, 2020.
- The motivic McKay correspondence in arbitrary characteristics, "The McKay correspondence, mutation and related topics," Kavli IPMU, Online, Jul. 17, 2020.
- Motivic integration over DM stacks and its applications, Arithmetic Geometry seminar, The University of Münster, Online, Jun. 30, 2020.
- Motivic integration over DM stacks and its applications, Online Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Osaka University, Zoom, Jun. 8, 2020.
- The wild McKay correspondence of arbitrary finite groups, Monday Singularity Seminar, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 18, 2019.
- A survey on the wild McKay correspondence: the arithmetic viewpoint and recent results, The 27th Number Theory Summer School, Sakata, Japan, Sep. 10, 2019.
- The wild McKay correspondence for an arbitrary finite group, Interaction Between Algebraic Geometry and QFT, MIPT, Dolgoprudny, Russia, Jun. 25, 2019.
- The wild McKay correspondence for an arbitrary finite group, RIMS & OIST Workshop: On the Problem of Resolution of Singularities and its Vicinity, OIST, Okinawa, Japan, Jun. 10, 2019.
- Motivic integration and the wild McKay correspondence, a lecture series, EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne), Lausanne, Switzerland, Mar. 25, 27 and 28, 2019.
- モチーフ積分とマッカイ対応, 第24回代数学若手研究会, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 21, 2019.
- Computational aspects of the McKay correspondence, Higher Dimensional Arithmetic Geometry, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan, Feb. 19, 2019.
- A moduli problem in the wild McKay correspondence, Categorical and Analytic Invariants in Algebraic Geometry Ⅵ, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, Nov. 27, 2018.
- Singularities and rational points, Colloquium, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan, Oct. 17, 2018.
- Motivic mass formulae for formal torsors, Arithmetic Geometry : l-adic and p-adic aspects, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 13, 2018.
- Cohen-Macaulayness of klt singularities in positive characteristics, Algebra Symposium, Tokyo Insitute of Techonology, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 5, 2018.
- Quotient singularities by the cyclic group of order p, Modern Algebraic Geometry, Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, Beijing, China, Jul. 23, 2018.
- The wild McKay correspondence and moduli of formal torsors, Guest seminar "Arithmetic Geometry", Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Mar. 24, 2018.
- Moduli of formal torsors, Tohoku Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, Apr. 27, 2018.
- The wild McKay correspondence, Colloquium, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, Apr. 23, 2018
- The motivic version of Serre’s mass formula, Higher dimensional algebraic geometry, University of Tokyo, Mar. 12, 2018.
- Moduli of formal torsors, Singularities and Algebraic Geometry, Da Nang, Vietnam, Jan. 12, 2018.
- Equisingularities and dualities of local field masses, The 5th Franco-Japanese-Vietnamese Symposium on Singularities, Kagoshima University, Nov. 1, 2017.
- The wild McKay correspondence, Hakodate workshop on arithmetic geometry 2017, Hakodate Hokuyo building, Hokkaido, Japan, May 30, 2017.
- Rational points on quotient varieties, 2017 Atkin Workshop: Height zeta functions, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, U.S., Apr. 29, 2017.
- Moduli of Galois extensions of a power series field and singularities, Algebra Seminar, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S., Apr. 24, 2017.
- The McKay correspondence and mass formulas for local Galois representations, JAMI 2017; Local zeta functions and the arithmetic of moduli spaces: A conference in memory of Jun-Ichi Igusa, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S., Mar. 23, 2017.
- Vojta’s conjecture and singularities, Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 12, 2016.
- Rational points on singular varieties, Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 25, 2016.
- The Diophantine problem and singularities, Colloquium, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan, Nov. 8, 2016.
- Stringy invariants of wild quotient singularities, UAM-ICMAT Seminar Algebra and Combinatorics, UAM, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 16, 2015.
- Dualities and equisingularities in the wild McKay correspondence, Séminaire sur les singularités, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France, Dec. 8, 2015.
- The motivic McKay correspondence in positive and mixed characteristics, Return of the IHES Postdoc Seminar, IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, France, Nov. 18, 2015.
- Counting points vs. counting extensions, Seminar "Géométrie et Théorie des Modèles", Paris, France, Nov. 6, 2015.
- The McKay correspondence over local fields and number fields, Analytic Number Theory and Diophantine Geometry, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany, Sep. 7, 2015.
- A generalization of the McKay correspondence to an arbitrary characteristic, Oberseminar Algebra und Geometrie, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany, Jun. 12, 2015.
- The wild McKay correspondence and stringy invariants, Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, May 13, 2015.
- The McKay correspondence over a local field: a new geometric proof of mass formulae by Serre, Bhargava and Kedlaya. Seminar Algebraic Geometry, MPIM, Bonn, Germany, Apr. 30, 2015.
- The wild McKay correspondence, mass formulas and p-adic integration. Séminaire de géométrie algébrique, IRMAR, Rennes, France, Jan. 22, 2015.
- The wild McKay correspondence, mass formulas and p-adic integration. Séminaire sur les singularités, Paris, France, Jan. 20, 2015.
- The wild McKay correspondence, mass formulas and p-adic measures. Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Jan. 16, 2015.
Before 2015
- Distributions of rational points and number fields, and height zeta functions. Number Theory Seminar, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Sep. 18, 2014.
- Distributions of rational points and number fields, and height zeta functions. Third International Workshop on Zeta Functions in Algebra and Geometry, Guanajuato, Mexico, Sep. 11, 2014.
- Perspectives on the wild McKay correspondence. MSJ Spring Meeting 2014, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 15, 2014.
- A brief guide to the wild McKay correspondence. KANT 2014, Fukuoka, Japan, Feb. 6, 2014.
- Quotient singularities and local Galois representations. Motives in Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 26, 2013.
- Motivic integration and wild ramification. The 1st Franco-Japanese-Vietnamese Symposium on Singularities, Nice, France, Sep. 16, 2013.
- A survey on wild quotient singularities. Workshop on Algebraic Geometry in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, Aug. 27, 2013.
- An invitation to the wild McKay correspondence. Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and Related Topics, Kyoto, Japan, Jul. 1st, 2013.
- The Hilbert scheme of points and extensions of local fields. PRIMA 2013, Shanghai, China, Jun. 27, 2013.
- Bhargava’s formula and the Hilbert scheme of points. Complex Algebraic Geometry, Oberwolfach, Germany, May 30, 2013.
- Stringy invariants of p-cyclic quotient singularities. Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry 2013, Tokyo, Japan, Jan. 28, 2013.
- The wild McKay correspondence. Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry, Tokyo, Japan, Jan. 8, 2013.
- p-cyclic quotient singularities and motivic integration. Motives in Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 11, 2012.
- The p-cyclic McKay correspondence. Algebraic Geometry Symposium, Kinosaki, Japan, Oct. 23, 2012.
- Higher Nash Blowups and F-Blowups. Clay Mathematics Institute Summer School 2012, Obergurgl, Austria, Jun. 26, 2012.
- Computing F-blowups. Computational workshop on Frobenius singularities and invariants, Ann Arbor, US, Jun. 1st, 2012.
- Motivic integration and modular representations of a cyclic group of prime order. The 7th algebraanalysis-geometry seminar, Kagoshima, Japan, Feb. 2012
- Higher Nash blowups. Artin approximation and arcs, Vienna, Austria, Nov. 2011.
- Quotient-like singularities in positive characteristic and noncommutative rings. The 6th Franco-Japanese symposium on singularities, Fukuoka, Japan, Sep. 2011.
- F-blowups of two-dimensional singularities. Algebra workshop in South KyoKyushushu, Kagoshima, Japan, Aug. 2011.
- F-blowups in dimension two. The singularity theory and its spread, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 2011.
- Noncommutative resolution of pure subrings and Frobenius morphismamorphisms. Workshop on noncommutative geometry and the McKay correspondence, Nagoya, Japan, Mar. 2011.
- Introduction to F-blowups. Geometry of singularities and manifolds, Yamagata, Japan, Sep. 2010.
- Commutative and noncommutative desingularizations via Frobenius morphisms. Workshop on Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr. 2010.
- A standard noncommutative resolution of a toric singularity via differential operators. The 5th algebraanalysis-geometry seminar, Kagoshima, Japan, Feb. 2010.
- Frobenius morphisms and noncommutative resolutions. Algebraic geometry in characteristic p and related topics, Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 2010.
- An application of the Frobenius morphism of a noncommutative blowup. Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry, Kyoto, Japan, Dec. 2009.
- Noncommutative resolution and Frobenius morphism. The 5th Franco-Japanese Symposium on Singularities, Strasbourg, France, Aug. 2009.
- Crepant resolution via Frobenius morphisms. Algebraic and Symplectic Geometry, Warwick, UK, Jan. 2008.
- Toric F-blowups and Groebner bases. Algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 2007.
- Simultaneous flattening of Frobenius and minimal resolution. Algebraic Geometry Symposium, Kinosaki, Japan, Oct. 2007.
- Flattening of Frobenius and G-Hilbert scheme. The 4th Franco-Japanese Symposium on Singularities, Toyama, Japan, Aug. 2007.
- Blowup via Frobenius. School on characteristic p methods in algebraic geometry, Drobeta Turnu-Severin, Romania, Jul. 2007.
- Flag higher Nash blowups. Motives, related topics, applications, Hiroshima, Japan, Mar. 2007.
- Desingularizing products of curves via higher Nash blowups. Algebra, Analysis and Geometry seminar, Kagoshima, Japan, Feb. 2007.
- Another higher version of Nash blowup. Echigoyuzawa Algebraic Geometry Symposium, Echigoyuzawa, Japan, Dec. 2006.
- Higher Nash blowup. Algebraic Geometry Symposium, Kinosaki, Japan, Oct. 2005.
- Singularities of foliations and formal schemes. Algebra Symposium, Tokushima, Japan, Aug. 2005.
- Motivic integration over Deligne-Mumford stacks. Komplexe Algebraische Geometrie, Oberwolfach, Germany, Feb. 2005.
- Motivic integration over Deligne-Mumford stacks. Géométrie Algébrique Complexe, Marseille, France, Dec. 2003.
- Piecewise morphisms of birational foliated varieties. Integration on arc spaces, elliptic genus and chiral de Rham complex, Banff, Canada, Jun. 2003.
- Singularities and jets. Algebraic Geometry Symposium, Fukuoka, Japan, Jan. 2003.
- Twisted jet and orbifold cohomology. Stringy orbifolds, ICM2002 satellite conference, Chengdu, China, Aug. 2002.
Last update:
December 28, 2024