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Takehiko Yasuda

portrait picture Takehiko Yasuda
Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, JAPAN

e-mail: yasuda.takehiko.sci (at) (now switching to this new email address)

Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, The University of Tokyo
Visiting Senior Scientist

My CV (my page in researchmap)

I am a mathematician working in Osaka, Japan. My speciality is Algebraic Geometry, which is a study of shapes given by polynomial equations. My recent studies are about what might be called Arithmetic Singularities, that is, a study of relation between singularities of such shapes and the number theory.

Keywords of my works include:

singularities, jets and arcs, motivic and p-adic integration, the McKay correspondence, rational points, higher Semple-Nash blowups and F-blowups, wild quotient singularities, counting field extensions

What's new

The Cost of Knowledge (Elsevier Boycott)

I signed on The Cost of Knowledge of Aug. 5, 2015. I would like to refrain from cooperating with Elsevier by publishing, refereeing or doing editorial work.

Last update: February 16, 2025