Takehiko Yasuda
Takehiko Yasuda
Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, JAPAN
e-mail: yasuda.takehiko.sci (at) osaka-u.ac.jp (now switching to this new email address)
Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, The University of Tokyo
Visiting Senior Scientist
My CV (my page in researchmap)
I am a mathematician working in Osaka, Japan. My speciality is Algebraic Geometry, which is a study of shapes given by polynomial equations. My recent studies are about what might be called Arithmetic Singularities, that is, a study of relation between singularities of such shapes and the number theory.
Keywords of my works include:
singularities, jets and arcs, motivic and p-adic integration, the McKay correspondence, rational points, higher Semple-Nash blowups and F-blowups, wild quotient singularities, counting field extensions
What's new
- uploaded a joint paper with Ratko Darda, "The Batyrev-Manin conjecture for DM stacks II," to arXiv. 2025/02/12
- The joint paper with Enrique Chávez-Martínez and Daniel Duarte, "F-blowups and essential divisors for toric varieties," has been accepted for publication in the Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan. 2024/12/15
- A new paper by students of mine, Yutaro Kaijima and Yudai Yamamoto, "Properties of moderate toric resolutions in dimension three," appeared on arXiv. 2024/12/03
- posted lecture notes "Computation Algebraic Geometry with Macaulay2" and "Computing Invariant Rings with Macaulay2" in the publication page. 2024/11/22
- The joint paper with Ratko Darda "Quantitative inverse Galois problem for semicommutative finite group schemes" has been accepted for publication in Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux. 2024/11/11
- The joint paper with Quy Thuong Lê, ["Higher Jacobian ideals, contact equivalence and motivic zeta functions,"] has been published from Revista Matemática Iberoamericana (online first).](https://doi.org/10.4171/rmi/1516) 2024/10/08
- uploaded two papers to arXiv: "Motivic versions of mass formulas by Krasner, Serre and Bhargava", "Quotient singularities by permutation actions are canonical." 2024/08/27
- updated People page. 2024/04/04
- The joint paper with Ratko Darda "The Batyrev-Manin conjecture for DM stacks" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of the European Mathematical Society. 2024/02/27
- uploaded a joint paper with Ratko Darda, "The Manin conjecture for toric stacks," to arXiv. 2023/11/07
- uploaded a joint paper with Quy Thuong Lê, "Higher Jacobian ideals, contact equivalence and motivic zeta functions," to arXiv. 2023/10/19
- The paper "Dynamical Systems of Correspondences on the Projective Line I: Moduli Spaces and Multiplier Maps" by Rin Gotou has been accepted for publication in Conformal Geometry and Dynamics. 2023/05/25
- The joint paper with Ratko Darda "Torsors for finite group schemes of bounded height" has been accepdted for publication in Journal of London Mathematical Society. 2023/05/07
- uploaded a joint paper with Christian Liedtke, "Non-commutative resolutions of linearly reductive quotient singularities," to arXiv. 2023/05/01
- uploaded a joint paper with Enrique Chávez-Martínez and Daniel Duarte, "F-blowups and essential divisors for toric varieties," to arXiv. 2023/04/26
- Added "People" page. 2023/04/03
The Cost of Knowledge (Elsevier Boycott)
I signed on The Cost of Knowledge of Aug. 5, 2015. I would like to refrain from cooperating with Elsevier by publishing, refereeing or doing editorial work.