Papers, Preprints
The primitive derivation and freeness of multi-Coxeter arrangements.
Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. 78(2002), no. 7, 116-119.
On the freeness of 3-arrangements.
London Math. Soc. 37(2005), 126-134.
Characterization of a free arrangement and conjecture of Edelman and Reiner.
Invent. Math. 157(2004), no. 2, 449-454.
Free Arrangements over Finite Field.
Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. 82(2006), no. 10, 179-182.
Hyperplane arrangements and Lefschetz's hyperplane section theorem.
Math. J. 30, no. 2 (2007), 157--194.
(with T. Abe)
Splitting criterion for reflexive sheaves.
Amer. Math. Soc. 136 (2008), 1887-1891.
Generic section of a hyperplane arrangement and twisted Hurewicz maps.
and Its Applications. 155 (2008) 9, 1022--1026.
(with K. Ueda)
Logarithmic vector fields along smooth plane cubic curves.
Kumamoto Journal of Mathematics. Vol 21 (2008), 11-20.
(with M. Wakefield)
The Jacobian ideal of a hyperplane arrangement.
Res. Letters. Vol 15 (2008), no. 4. 795--799.
Chamber basis of the Orlik-Solomon algebra and Aomoto complex.
Arkiv for Matematik.
vol 47 (2009), 393-407.
On the extendability of free multiarrangements.
Arrangements, Local Systems and Singularities:
CIMPA Summer School, Galatasaray University, Istanbul, 2007,
Progress in Mathematics, 283, Birkh\"auser, Basel, 2009,
(with K. Ueda)
Logarithmic vector fields along smooth divisors in
projective spaces.
Hokkaido Math. Journal, vol. 38, no. 3, 409--415, 2009.
(with T. Abe and
H. Terao) Totally free arrangements of hyperplanes.
Amer. Math. Soc. 137 (2009), 1405-1410.
(with T. Abe)
Coxeter multiarrangements with quasi-constant multiplicities.
Journal of Algebra, 322 (2009) 2839-2847.
Periods and elementary real numbers.
arXiv:0805.0349, Preprint.
Minimality of hyperplane arrangements and basis of local system cohomology.
Singularities in Geometry and Topology Strasbourg 2009,
IRMA Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Vol. 20,
- Arrangements, multiderivations, and adjoint quotient
map of type ADE.
Arrangements of Hyperplanes---Sapporo 2009, ASPM, vol. 62, 523-552.
(with S. Nazir) On the connectivity of the realization spaces of
line arrangements.
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Vol. 11 (2012), 921--937.
(with K. Ito) Semi-algebraic partition and basis of Borel-Moore homology of hyperplane arrangements.
Proc. A. M. S. 140 (2012), 2065--2074.
Minimal stratifications for line arrangements
and positive homogeneous presentations for fundamental groups.
Configuration Spaces: Geometry, Combinatorics and Topology, 503-533, CRM Series, 14, Ed. Norm., Pisa, 2012.
(with T. Abe)
Free arrangements and coefficients of characteristic polynomials.
Math. Z, 275 (2013) 911-919.
Freeness of hyperplane arrangements and related topics.
Annales de la Faculte des Sciences de Toulouse, vol. 23 no. 2 (2014), 483-512.
Milnor fibers of real line arrangements.
Journal of Singularities, vol 7 (2013), 220-237.
Resonant bands and local system cohomology groups for
real line arrangements.
Vietnam J. Math. 42 (2014), no. 3, 377-392.
(with H. Terao)
超平面配置に関する最近の話題. 数学, 66 (2014) 157-179.
(with S. Nazir and
M. Torielli)
On the admissibility of certain local system.
Topology and its applications, 178 (2014) 288-299.
Resonant bands, local systems and Milnor fibers of real line arrangements.
Combinatorial methods in topology and algebra, 143-148,
Springer INdAM Ser., 12, Springer, Cham, 2015.
(Preprint, Nov. 17, 2013).
P. Bailet)
Degeneration of Orlik-Solomon algebras and Milnor fibers of complex line arrangements.
Geometriae Dedicata, vol. 175 (2015) 49-56.
(with M. Torielli)
Resonant bands, Aomoto complex, and real 4-nets.
Journal of Singularities, vol. 11 (2015), 33-51
(with H. Schenck,
H. Terao)
Logarithmic vector fields for quasihomogeneous curve configurations in P^2.
Math. Res. Letters 25 (2018) no. 6, 1977-1992.
Worpitzky partitions for root systems and characteristic quasi-polynomials.
Tohoku Math. J. 70 (2018) 39-63
Chromatic functors of graphs.
(Jul. 24, 2015).
P. Bailet)
Vanishing results for the Aomoto complex of real hyperplane
arrangements via minimality.
Journal of Singularities, vol. 14 (2016), 74-90.
T. Hasebe and
T. Miyatani)
Euler characteristic reciprocity for chromatic, flow and order polynomials.
Journal of Singularities, vol. 16 (2017), 212-227.
Characteristic polynomials of Linial arrangements for exceptional root systems. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 157 (2018) 267-286.
26 Oct. 2016)
(with Kazuki Iijima, Kyouhei Sasaki, and Yuuki Takahashi)
Eulerian polynomials and polynomial congruences.
Contributions to Discrete Mathematics, vol 14 (2019) 46-54
(Nov. 30 2016)
(with P. Bailet, and
A. Dimca)
A vanishing result for the first twisted cohomology of affine varieties and applications to line arrangements.
manuscripta mathematica 157 (2018), no. 3-4, 497-511.
(May 17 2017)
(with Ye Liu and Tan Nhat Tran)
G-Tutte polynomials and abelian Lie group arrangements.
Vol. 2021, No. 1, pp. 152-190.,
(with Ryuki Kaneta)
Magnitude homology of metric spaces and order complexes.
Bull. of London Math. Soc. vol. 53 (2021) 893-905.
(March 1 2018)
(with Tan Nhat Tran)
Combinatorics of certain abelian Lie group arrangements and chromatic quasi-polynomials.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 165 (2019) 258-272.,
(May 9 2018)
Takuro Abe,
Gerhard Rohrle,
Christian Stump)
A Hodge filtration of logarithmic vector fields for well-generated complex reflection groups.
to appear in Journal of Combinatorial Algebra
Double coverings of arrangement complements and 2-torsion in Milnor
fiber homology.
European Journal of Mathematics 6 (2020) 1097-1109
(with Ahmed Umer Ashraf, Tan Nhat Tran)
Eulerian polynomials for subarrangements of Weyl arrangements.
Adv. in Applied Math. 120 (2020) 102064.
(with Kentaro Akasaka, Suguru Ishibashi)
Finite record sets of chip-firing games.
Innovations in Incidence Geometry - Algebraic, Topological and Combinatorial, 20 no. 1 (2023), 55-61
(with Daisuke Suyama)
The primitive derivation and discrete integrals.
SIGMA 17 (2021), 038, 9 pages
(with M. Tsukamoto, M. Tsutaya)
$G$-index, topological dynamics and marker property.
Israel Journal of Mathematics 251, 737-764 (2022).
(with T. Yoshida)
What is $-Q$ for a poset $Q$?
Order 40 (2023) 149-155.
(with Sakumi Sugawara)
Divides with cusps and Kirby diagrams for line arrangements.
Topology and its Applications 313 (2022), Paper No. 107989.
(with Kyosuke Higashida)
Feynman graphs and Hyperplane arrangements defined over $\mathbb{F}_1$.
Journal of Geometry and Physics 170, (2021) 104368
(with Akihiro Higashitani, Tan Nhat Tran)
Period collapse in characteristic quasi-polynomials of hyperplane
IMRN Volume 2023, Issue 10, May 2023, Pages 8934-8963
(with Christopher de Vries)
Ehrhart quasi-polynomials of almost integral polytopes.
to appear in
Discrete and Computational Geometry,
(with Yu Tajima)
Magnitude homology of graphs and discrete Morse theory on Asao-Izumihara complexes.
Homology, Homotopy and Applications 25 (2023) no. 1, 331-343
(with Takuro Abe,
Naoya Enomoto,
Misha Feigin)
Free reflection multiarrangements and quasi-invariants.
Int. Math. Res. Not. Volume 2024
(with Suguru Ishibashi,
Sakumi Sugawara)
Betti numbers and torsions in homology groups of double coverings.
Adv. in Appl. Math. 162 (2025) 102790
(with Yu Tajima)
Causal order complex and magnitude homotopy type of metric spaces.
IMRN Volume 2024, Issue 4, February 2024, Pages 3176-3222.
(with Akihiro Higashitani and Satoshi Murai)
Ehrhart quasi-polynomials and parallel translations.
to appear in
Combinatorial Theory
(with Misha Feigin and Zixuan Wang)
Integral expressions for derivations of multiarrangements.
to appear in
International J. of Math.
(with Emily Roff)
The small-scale limit of magnitude and the one-point property.
q-deformation of Aomoto complex.
Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees,
69 vol 2, (2024) 305--323.
A construction of homotopically non-trivial embedded spheres for hyperplane arrangements.
Topology of hyperplane arrangements via real structure.
(with Ryo Uchiumi)
The quasi-polynomiality of mod q permutation representation for a linear finite group action on a lattice.
(with Yasuhiko Asao,
Yu Tajima)
Magnitude homology and homotopy type of metric fibrations.
to appear in
Proc. AMS
(with Tongyu Nian,
Shuhei Tsujie,
Ryo Uchiumi)
$q$-deformation of chromatic polynomials and graphical arrangements.
(with Hirokazu Katsumasa,
Emily Roff)
Is magnitude 'generically continuous' for finite metric spaces?
周期と実数の$0$-認識問題: Kontsevich-Zagierの予想. 問題・予想・原理の数学2, 数学書房. 2016年.
感じる数学―ガリレイからポアンカレまで―, 数学みえる化プロジェクト 企画・ 北海道大学総合博物館 企画・ 正宗 淳 編 (分担執筆), 共立出版, 2022年
数論入門事典, 加藤 文元・砂田 利一(編), 分担執筆, 朝倉書店, 2023年
数学セミナー編集部, 分担執筆,
日本評論社 2023年9月