
講演者: Jakob Stix 氏 (Bonn University)
場所:岡山大学理学部本館 代数ゼミ室 B-305

(1) 2005年2月21日(月曜)4:00~5:00
"Anabelian properties of the moduli space of smooth curves"

Abstract: Anabelian geometry tries to decipher geometric properties from group theoretical properties of the etale fundamental group of a variety. In this talk we study maps into the moduli space M_{g,n} of smooth projective pointed curves from this anabelian perspective. As an application of the main result we find that M_{g,n} (as a stack) does not contain any simply connected subvarieties.

(2) 2005年2月22日(火曜)11:00~12:00
"A general Van Kampen theorem for algebraic fundamental groups"

Abstract: The classical Van Kampen theorem expresses the topological fundamental group of a topological space X in terms of those of U, V and U \cap V for a suitable open covering X = U \cup V. In this talk we describe the combinatorial framework that is necessary to extend this result with its 'tautological proof' to the case of more general coverings and algebraic fundamental groups.