Date : November 10--14 of 2003
Place: Okayama University, Faculty of Science
Room : B-305
Intensive Lectures:
M.Fried (Univ. of California, Irvine)
(1) Exceptional tower of a curve over a finite field
(2) Schur and Dickson towers, and cryptographic messages
(3) Davenport pairs in char.p, accumulation of Weil "errors"
(4) Katz monodromy problem, Strong Davenport pairs in char.0
Y.Taguchi (Kyushu Univ.)
"Moduli of group representations and applications"
(in Japanese)
Workshop talks:
H.Tsunogai (Sophia Univ.)
"Noether problem for the transitive groups of degree five"
--joint work with K.Hashimoto
Y.Taguchi (Kyushu Univ.)
"A relation between some finiteness conjectures on Galois
H.Furusho (RIMS, Kyoto Univ.)
"Double shuffle relations for p-adic multiple zeta values"
--joint work with A.Besser
T.Komatsu (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
"Dual representation of a plane tree"
S.Ohtani (Kyushu Univ.)
"Certain closed normal subgroups of free profinite groups of
countably infinite rank"
"On generating functions of the number of mod p
representations of discrete groups"