A 2-day focus workshop on arithmetic and Galois theory, to report on some recent progress of the field -- includes Galois action and étale fundamental group, multiple zeta functions and their algebraic and/or analytic aspects, and anabelian reconstructions.
Invited Speakers
- Shun ISHII, Keio University, Japan
- Nao KOMIYAMA, Osaka University,Japan
- Séverin PHILIP, Stockholm University, Sweden
- Simon RUTARD, Nagoya University,Japan
- Koichiro SAWADA, RIMS Kyoto University, Japan
- Reiya TACHIHARA, RIMS Kyoto University, Japan
- Naganori YAMAGUCHI, Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan
This event is a companion workshop to the Low dimensional topology and number theory XVI workshop (March 25 - 28, 2025, Osaka).
Program & Schedule
- Monday - March 31, 2025
- 10:00-11:00 :: Families preserving isomorphisms via techniques in anabelian geometry, by Koichiro SAWADA
- 11:10-12:10 :: On graded Lie algebras associated to pro-p outer Galois representations of once-punctured elliptic curves with complex multiplication, by Shun ISHII
- 14:00-15:00 :: Aspects of Combinatorial Anabelian Geometry, by Reiya TACHIHARA
- 15:40-16:40 :: Finite Step Solvable Aspects of Anabelian Geometry, by Naganori YAMAGUCHI
- Tuesday - April 1, 2025
- 9:30-10:30 :: On values at nonpositive integer tuples of multiple zeta functions of generalized Hurwitz type, by Simon RUTARD
- 10:40-11:40 :: Oda’s problem and the l-monodromy fixed fields of special loci, by Séverin PHILIP
- 11:50-12:50 :: Shuffle products for multiple zeta functions and double shuffle equations for multiple zeta values, by Nao KOMIYAMA

Sponsors and Organization
This workshop is organized with the support of:
The CNRS-RIMS AHGT France-Japan international research network :: JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number (A) JP20H00115 (Nakamura)