【ガロアの逆問題入門セミナー(I, II)】
(1) June 1 (Thu) [理E404] 15:00-16:00+ (introductory talk 1)
(2) Junu 2 (Fri) [理D505] 11:00-12:00+ (introductory talk 2)
Title: Introduction to Inverse Galois Theory (I and II)
Abstract: The aim is to give an introduction to inverse Galois theory
and to some number theoretical topics involved in inverse Galois
theory. We will discuss the following topics: the Inverse Galois
problems, the geometric approach, the Riemann existence theorem,
Hilbert's irreducibility theorem, the Beckmann-Black problem, the
Grunwald problem, the Malle conjecture, generic and parametric
extensions, etc.
NB: this is a basic introduction intended for graduate students or
interested colleagues.
June 2 (Fri) [理D505] 16:30-17:30 (seminar talk)
Title: Some perspectives on the Inverse Galois Problem
Abstract: The work I will talk about is motivated by the Regular
Inverse Galois Problem: show that every finite group G is the Galois
group of a Galois extension F/Q(T) with Q algebraically closed in F. I
will discuss two types of results. First, some strong variants of the
RIGP related to the notion of parametric extensions, which will be
shown to fail. Second, a strong consequence of the RIGP related to a
conjecture of Malle on the number of Galois extensions with a given
group and with bounded discriminant.
June 5 (Mon) [理D505] 13:30-14:30+ (advanced talk 1)
Title: On the Malle conjecture and the self-twisted cover
Abstract: The Malle conjecture predicts that the number of Galois
extensions of Q with given group G and discriminant bounded by some
real number y > 0 grows like y^a, for some exponent a > 0. This
statement is known for nilpotent groups. The work I will present
establishes it for Sn, An, many simple groups and more generally all
regular Galois groups overQ. The constructed extensions can be further
requested to satisfy some notable local conditions. Our method uses a
new version of Hilbert's Irreducibility Theorem that counts
specialized extensions and not just the specialization points. A new
ingredient is the self-twisted cover that we will introduce.
June 6 (Tue) [理D505] 15:00-16:00+ (advanced talk 2)
Title: Genus zero pull-backs of Galois covers
Abstract: Pulling back a Galois cover $X\to \P^1$ of group $G$ along a
cover $\P^1\to \P^1$ yields ``most of the time'' a new Galois cover of
$\P^1$ with the same group. This operation provides a natural tool for
Inverse Galois Theory and induces a pre-order on the set of Galois
covers. We will present questions that arise from this double
perspective, and some answers.