- 9:45–10:45 満渕俊樹(大阪大学)
- 11:00–12:00 小林亮一(名古屋大学)
- 14:00–15:00 小野薫(京都大学RIMS)
- 15:15–16:15 藤原耕二(京都大学)
- 16:30–17:30 後藤竜司(大阪大学)
- 9:45–10:45 中川泰宏(熊本大学)
- 11:00–12:00 今野宏(明治大学)
- 14:00–15:00 小木曽啓示(東京大学)
- 15:15–16:15 並河良典(京都大学RIMS)
- 16:30–17:30 中島啓(東京大学カブリIPMU)
小林亮一:Mean distribution of the ramification divisors associated to random projections and its application to Nevanlinna Theory
Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over $\mathbb{C}$ and $(L,e^{-\varphi})$ an ample line bundle with a Hermitian metric s.t. $\omega=dd^c\varphi$ is a Kähler metric. For $m\gg 1$, $mL$ is very ample. Let $Z_\mu$ denote the linear subspace of $|mL|^*$ of codimension $n+1$ whose defining equation is given by an element $\mu$ of $\mathbb{G}(n,|mD|)$. Then $\mathbb{G}(n,|mL|)$ is identified with the space of all linear projections associated to the Kodaira embedding of $X$ into $|mL|^*$. If $X\cap Z_\mu=\emptyset$ (generic case) then $\mu\colon X\rightarrow\mathbb{P}^n$ is a finite morphism and therefore the Riemann-Hurwitz formula $R_{\mu}=\mu^*K_{\mathbb{P}^n}^{-1}\otimes K_X$ holds. This talk is concerned with the mean distribution of the ramification divisors $\{R_{\mu}\}_{\mu\in\mathbb{G}(N,|mD|)}$ on $X$ when $m$ becomes indefinitely large. Main Result is Convergence Theorem: \[ \lim_{m\to\infty}\mathfrak{M}_{\mu\in\mathbb{G}(n,|mL|)}\frac1{(n+1)m}(\text{current of integration associated to $R_{\mu}$})=\omega\,\,. \] Interesting geometry arises in the case when the totality $\mathcal{G}_m$ of $\mu\in\mathbb{G}(n,|mL|)$ for which $|d\mu|\equiv 0$ is not empty.
There is an application to Nevanlinna Theory. Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety and $L$ an ample line bundle on $X$. The object of study in Nevanlinna theory is a holomorphic curve $f\colon\mathbb{C}\rightarrow X$. A family $\{\mu\circ f\colon\mathbb{C}\rightarrow X \rightarrow |mL|^* \rightarrow \mathbb{P}^n\}_{\mu\in\mathbb{G}(n,|mL|)}$ of homomorphic curves into $\mathbb{P}^n$ arises, where $\mathbb{G}(n,|mL|)$ is the space of random projections $\mu\colon X\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^n$. Applying the Ahlfors-Weyl Theory to individual $\mu\circ f$, the family of Ahlfors-Weyl Theories parameterized by $\mathbb{G}(n,|mL|)$ arises. It is interesting to ask what kind of asymptotic geometry arise in the study of the mean \[ \mathfrak{M}_{\mu\in\mathbb{G}(n,|mL)}\{\,\text{Ahlfors-Weyl Theory on $\{\mu \circ f\}_{\mu\in\mathbb{G}(n,|mL)}$}\,\}\,\,. \] In this talk I will discuss the relationship of this problem to the measure concentration phenomenon.
小野薫:Floer–Novikov cohomologyのいくつかの応用
Floer–Novikov cohomologyはsymplectic isotopyに対するFloer理論で30年くらい前にH.-V. Leとの共同研究に始まる。いくつかの変種があり、flux予想の証明でもそれを用いた。それについてのいくつかの進展状況をお話ししたい。symplectic isotopyとHamiltonian isotopyの違いはfluxで測られるが、Floer cohomologyの構成でfluxを非自明に動かすのではなく、symplectic formのcohomology類を動かす場合も、議論の構成は全く同様に進められる。時間が許せば、それについてのRitter, Zhangの結果にも言及したい。
藤原耕二:The rates of growth in a hyperbolic group
We study the set of growth rates of a finitely generated group of exponential growth. We prove that the set of growth rates is well-ordered for a non-elementary hyperbolic group. Examples contain free groups of finite rank and the fundamental groups of closed surface groups of hyperbolic type. This is a joint work with Sela. I further discuss the set of growth rates of a family of groups.
今野宏:あるalmost toric 4-manifoldの幾何学的量子化について
almost toric 4-manifoldは,ラグランジュトーラスファイブレーションをもつ4次元シンプレクティック多様体で,特異ファイバーとして,通常のトーリック多様体におけるラグランジュトーラスファイブレーションに現れる特異ファイバーの他に,focus-focus特異点とよばれるnode型の特異点をもつ特異ファイバーを許容するものである.本講演では,このような多様体の微分幾何的な性質を幾何学的量子化の視点から議論したい.
小木曽啓示:Automorphisms of Calabi-Yau threefolds from algebraic dynamics
In dimension 2, the existence of positive entropy automorphisms do not determine the target surfaces much among each possible Enriques-Kodaira class. In this talk, I would like to discuss some phenomena in which a positive entropy automorphism of a Calabi-Yau threefold with some natural additional condition or some “natural” conjectural assumption determines/classifies the target Calabi-Yau threefolds fairly explicitly. If time will allow, I also would like to discuss the cases of birational automorphism. This is a work in progress.
並河良典:Towards a characterization of toric hyperkaehler varieties among symplectic singularities
Let $(X, \omega)$ be a conical symplectic variety of dimension $2n$ which has a projective symplectic resolution. Assume that $X$ admits an effective Hamiltonian action of an $n$-dimensional algebraic torus $T^n$, compatible with the conical $C^*$-action. In this talk we prove that $(X, \omega)$ is isomorphic to a toric hyperkahler variety studied by Goto, Bielawski-Dancer, Hausel-Sturmfels, Konno, Proudfoot and others. This result can be regarded as a holomorphic symplectic analogue of Delzant's theorem on toric varieties.
中島啓:Further examples of S-dual Hamiltonian spaces
クーロン枝の定義の類似としてHamiltonian $G$-spaceと$G^\vee$-spaceの組についてのS-dualが定義され,相対Langlands双対の定式化に必要であることを,幾何学シンポジウムで報告した.その例として,弓箭多様体の基本構成要素である,m -o- n = $\mathrm{GL}_m\curvearrowright T^* \mathrm{Hom}(\mathbb{C}^m,\mathbb{C}^n)\curvearrowleft\mathrm{GL}_n$と,同変スライスm -x- n = $\mathrm{GL}_m\curvearrowright \mathrm{GL}_m\times\mathcal S(m-n,1^n)\curvearrowleft\mathrm{GL}_n$を紹介した.後者は,真ん中に極をもつNahm方程式の解のモジュライ空間になる.相対Langlandsでは,hyperspherical varietiesというクラスが導入されており,そのいくつかについて同様の理解を得たので報告したい.
- 開催日時:12月7日(土)18:30より
- 開催場所:がんこ 池田石橋苑
- 森山貴之(三重大学)
- 宮武夏雄(東北大学)
- 山ノ井克俊(大阪大学)
- 糟谷久矢(大阪大学)
- 石田政司(大阪大学)
- 松本佳彦(大阪大学)