Professor Emeritus of Osaka University
        (retired on March 31, 2015)

	Last Friday PDE Seminar, Januray 9, 2015 : presentation file
Last Colloquium at Math. Department, Feburary 16, 2015 : presentation file
Last Workshop talk, March 9, 2015 : presentation file
A Message at retirement: Thanks

Research Field and Recent Papers:

A Book:





本に関連する最近の研究結果の纏め: PDF ファイル (118Kb) Simple version in English: PDF file (48Kb)

Some my classics:

PhD thesis :
"Initial Value Problems for Some Quasilinear Partial Differential Equations in Mathematical Physics"

Introduction and Chapter I (388Kb)
Chapter II (622Kb)
Chapter III (643Kb)
Chapter IV (1,522Kb)

Time-weighted energy method:
"An Energy Method for the Equations of Motion of Compressible Viscous and Heat-Conductive Fluids"
Technical Summary Report #2194, Mathematics Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison

PDF file (430Kb)

A paper published in SAACM:
"Stability of Stationary Flow of Compressible Fluids subjict to Large External Potential Forces"
SAACM, 2, 1992

PDF file (790Kb)

RIMS Workshop "Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics" :

Some Program Files:

Some Links and Data:

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Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics,
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

Department of Mathematics,
Graduate School of Science

A. Matsumura
Last modified: June 18, 2024